About Me

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I am a writer. I began by writing the world's shortest short stories.Each no longer than two lines:one on the cover, one inside.(Birthday cards for pals in school;-). Then I wrote slightly longer stories in the ad agency JWT. These stories lasted 30 whole seconds. After 30 years of having the time of my life, I quit, to write even longer stories. Travel Stories, reviewing eco-friendly hotels for Traveltocare.com. (That's free travel, free stay, free food.) And then I wrote something really really long. An entire Book. It's called "Don't Go Away, We'll Be Right Back: The Oops and Downs of Advertising". And now, another one. "Runaway Writers". It's about a Ghost Tweet Writer, and therefore has about 140 characters in it. (I mean the people, not the length of the book...:-)

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Monday, February 7, 2011

How to start a beginning...

The thing is to begin at the beginning, and then keep going till you reach the end.
So some wise man told us.
But then, I can never start something unless I have a good ending.
I shall begin with the ending.
And the ending is: what my English teacher (my hero) told me at school, the last time
I met her...(I remember thinking, hey! what a great title for a book I may write one day...)
And this is what she said to me, as I waved goodbye...
"And don't forget to write".